ZPTROIPIN ( 10VIALS X 12IU ) – Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

ZPTROIPIN ( 10VIALS X 12IU ) – Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical


Manufacturer: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
Package: 12IU/1vial
Substance: Growth hormone

SKU: 246 Category:


ZPTROIPIN – Zhengzhou

Zptroipin Zhengzhou — hormone released in the body by the pituitary gland and which has a number of positive effects. Its main function is the increase in size of the body through lengthening of the bones. From this it follows that the peak of growth hormone occurs in the period from birth to maturity. The day stands out from the 1-3mg/ml, while increase in the secretion soars to 35-40 ng/ml.

he Appeared in 60-ies and there was a wide demand for this product among athletes and among people far from the sport, due to its wonderful positive effects of rejuvenation and recovery. Zptroipin Zhengzhou is allocated equally for both women and men. Its application is not prohibited by law, but in sport, for it can deprive of awards.

the Positive properties Zptroipin Zhengzhou
Enhances muscle growth
Does not disintegrate muscle fiber (anticatabolic)
Has the effect fat burning
Promotes proper energy metabolism
To speed recovery after injury
Improves and rejuvenates the skin hair and body in General
People under 27 years can increase height and strengthen bones
Raises the level of glucose in the blood
Improves immunity

please take note that all of these effects Zptroipin Zhengzhou a cause, as in sports for the full achievement of result it should be taken with IGF-1 or it is called insulin-like growth factor.

Zptroipin Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical in bodybuilding

Like all medicines it has been used in medicine, and in the future due to its ability to increase muscle mass and reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat it has been used in bodybuilding. Few years athletes have used it, until eventually it was forbidden as a drug that has not stopped many athletes today receiving Zptroipin Zhengzhou. And in bodybuilding it is often combined with steroids, which gives a more powerful effect.

Side effects Zptroipin Zhengzhou

As with any synthetic product Zptroipin Zhengzhou can cause side effects, but it should be noted that they come only from exceeding the recommended dosages and duration of the course, as well as the use of poor-quality drugs and wrong usage. The main symptoms when using Zptroipin Zhengzhou can be:

Pain and numbness in the extremities due to the increase in muscle volume and compression of nerve fibers
Water retention in the muscles
Is the occurrence of high blood pressure
Can adversely affect the thyroid gland
The increase in blood glucose (using insulin)
Organ enlargement (only at high dosages)
How to inject Zptroipin Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
Clean hands;
Enter the hormone insulin in the syringe;
In a fold of skin (often the abdomen)
Insert the needle at an angle of 45* parallel fold;
Enter the medication and remove the needle;
Not be injected in the same place.
How to take and how to calculate Zptroipin Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

most Often Zptroipin Zhengzhou is sold in barrels for 4 or 10 units of the substance. Its tedious to breed or bactericidal water or water for injection. Dosages vary depending on your weight, but on average the course lasts 2-3 months for 5units a day. Remember that it is not necessary to increase the dosage over 10units a day as this will not speed up the effect, but can lead to side effects. You need to understand in a barrel 10units of the working substance and if it is diluted with 1 ml of bactericidal water for injection 5units need to dial in the insulin syringe has 50 tick marks.The best time of the morning injection. Always monitor your health and refer to specialists. We have in store our consultant will help you develop a course of growth hormone. In our store you can buy Zptroipin Zhengzhou from different manufacturers at the lowest prices.

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